Skin Care is Health Care

These three oils show off the power of nature 💫 when it comes to having soft, beautiful, even tone skin.


So many people are seeing incredible results with their skin tone by using 2-3 drops of Yarrow|Pom, a drop each of Geranium and Black Spruce massaged into the skin morning ☀️ and night 🌛.

Let’s discuss each one in more detail:

1️⃣ Yarrow|Pom is an expertly crafted proprietary blend of Yarrow essential oil and cold-pressed Pomegranate seed oil. This blend offers a variety of powerful benefits due to its ability to activate skin-protecting proteins as well as promoting collagen production. Yarrow|Pom provides antioxidant support and also assists with healthy metabolic function. Sounds pretty amazing, right? Get this on your LRP stat!

2️⃣ Geranium is the perfect addition to your beauty routine. It promotes the appearance of healthy, clear skin. Even the ancient Egyptians knew about this skincare secret! Pro-tip: Geranium is also great for your hair, so add a drop or two to your shampoo to support those luscious locks!

3️⃣ Black Spruce is a powerful wood oil that provides soothing relief to the skin. Native Americans used Black Spruce to promote their skin health as well as for spiritual healing and cleansing practices. Bonus: the smell is amazing and the aroma will relax you within minutes of application. Ahhhh…

dōTERRA Essential Oils Yarrow|Pom

Did you know❓ Using a rose quartz roller can diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Using a roller can also increase blood flow and reduce puffiness. The roller will also brighten skin tone and increase lymphatic drainage which is great for detoxing. Bonus: put a few drops of Yarrow|Pom, Geranium and Black Spruce on your skin and roll away (always upwards of course!)

What are your favorite skin tips? Sharing is caring! Let us know in the comments!

Keeli Martinez