Your Success is Not Dependent on Your Upline

📣 Your success in your dōTERRA business is NOT dependent on your upline.

There I said it.

Unpopular as this opinion may be, it is the cold, hard, truth my friends. 🀭

I recently received a message in my inbox from a woman who explained that she wanted to find success doing her dōTERRA business because she is in love with the products but she felt like her upline isn’t doing anything. She mentioned to me that she was looking into another network marketing company because it seems to her that the other upline is offering all the things to their team.

Now I get it. I get that seeing somebody else’s upline creating trainings and courses and having all of these resources can seem so shiny and tantalizing. However, if you are allowing your upline to define your ability to find success in your network marketing business, you are literally sabotaging any chance of success. 

You are externalizing your power. 

You are saying if she shows up, then I can find success. Well, this is YOUR CALL. This is your opportunity to step into leadership. If you don't have the upline that you desire, be the upline you desire. Create the resources, create the vision, see how this is working out for you to actually embody the leadership style that you desire. ðŸš€

So what do you choose today? Are you going to sit around and wait for someone else or are you going to get to work? I believe in you. Be the change you wish to see!

Keeli Martinez