Oil Education in ONE spot.
That is what my “other DM” inbox sits at constantly on my Instagram account 💆🏼♀️ and doesn’t account for the hundreds of DM’s I answer weekly.
Most people are looking for recommendations and “how to’s” and let’s be honest, scrolling and scrolling is not always ideal.
So I am officially launching my BLOG so you all can easily search for a find my tips, tricks, mom hacks, business tips and little things that make my life easier as a mom of three.
Here are a few fun facts about me:
I am the youngest of 4, we are all 11-14 months apart. My older sister and oldest brother are Irish twins and my middle brother and I are Irish twins. We were all in high school at the same time. To say I have learned A LOT about life through my siblings would be an understatement.
I am a Type 3 on Enneagram and fit it to a T.
I have a burning passion for helping people, lifting people and empowering people to to advocate for themselves.
I feel that oils + movement + music/podcast can shift all things in life for the better.
I am obsessed with always “dating” my husband. He taught me the art of honest and open communication and the importance of it as the glue in a relationship, working or intimate.
I like to DREAM BIG….and go for it. Because to me that is truly living. I’m not here to clock in and clock out for someone else.
I have three littles. They teach me that they are observant in all things. The way I talk to myself, the way I care for myself, the way I care for other people, and the way I purse my dreams.
I am very protective over my time and who I surround myself with. Ever heard that you are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with….there is a lot of truth to this.
My leaders in dōTERRA are some of my very best friends and have created incredible waves in this business.
I am grateful. Oh so very very grateful to God for this life, for trusting me with being a messenger and for brining each and every one of you into my life.
Thank you for being here, for hanging with me, for loving this space.