Caught the BUG

It started out with a headache.

If I am being honest my emotions have been all over the place and I spent the night before crying four about 4 hours (that’s a different blog post…but know divorce is HARD) so waking up with a headache was not surprising to me.

Only it didn’t subside with my usual tricks.

✅ Water ✅ Oils ✅ Adjustment ✅ Coffee ✅ Rest

…nothing was touching it. Luckily my ex had my kids so I could truly just rest the whole day. But it was when I woke up the next day and the headache was still there, now layered with narcoleptic exhaustion that I knew something was off in my body. So I immediately ramped up my nutrition, supplements, filtered water and sat in my infrared sauna to create an environment where my body had the ultimate support.

Now let me preface this with a disclaimer: I am not a doctor, not your doctor, not your mama, just a girlfriend sharing what supported my body through catching the ultimate bug that has shut down our world. Take from it what you want but just like I take responsibility for my own health and decisions, so do you.

First: Nutrition

You have to fuel your body with clean, whole food nutrition to keep it supported. Organic cold pressed juices, bone broth, organic fruits and veggies, clean grass fed/finished meats, protein shakes with greens, filtered water with electrolytes, hot teas…think nourish your body. No processed crap.

Second: Supplements

  • Zinc - 30mg a day

  • Vitamin A - one drop

  • Vitamin C - 1000mg a day

  • Vitamin D - one drop

  • Quercetin - 500mg a day

  • NAC - I had to find this on Pure Encapsulations website

  • Bio Active Silver

  • Full does of doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality pack

  • Probiotics - I take doTERRA’s PB Assist

  • DDR Prime, On Guard +, Turmeric Dual Capsules

All these supplements are linked in this Amazon list, I have given you a few options from some different companies. I love Mary Ruth’s, Pure Encapsulations and Seeking Health. The doTERRA Supplements are linked below.

Amazon List

Third: Oils

Respiratory Blend: Arborvitae, Frankincense, Thyme, Air X, DDR Prime. You can make a roller blend with 5-10 drops each of these in a 10ml roller or put 3-5 drops in the Dawn humidifier diffuser.

Internally: 2 drops each, Frankincense, Lemon, Oregano, Thyme, Melissa, On Guard, DDR Prime. Once a day.

I have created a custom cart including ALL these items from dōTERRA. This can be edited, items added or removed but this is everything I used and keep on hand.

dōTERRA Cart

Fourth: Rest and Detox

Your body will recover the best when you allow it to rest, so slow down, sleep as you need to and drink a ton of water. I have a Clearlight Infrared Outdoor 5 sauna in my garage that I have sat in for 15-30 minutes every few days as there are incredible benefits to your immune system with infrared light/heat.

Your body will give you signs, and there is no shame in reaching out to a medical professional if you need it but many people allow the fear of what our media is blasting to make you feel like you will die if you catch this. I want to remind you that this is 99.8% survivable, but every BODY is different so honor yours. I have had multiple friends catch this and symptoms show up different, recovery time is different so listen to YOUR body if you do happen to catch this.

Fifth: Mindset

Your mind is one of your most powerful tools. I made a very conscious decision to pour love over my body as it was fighting off this bug. Repeating affirmations like this over and over daily:

“My body is strong”

“My immune system is a powerhouse”

“Rest allows my body to recover”

“I am doing exactly what I should be doing to support my body”

“I will recover and come back stronger after this”

Bonus: I also had picked up some “supplements” when I was in Mexico to be proactive if me or any of my loved ones were hit by this bug. I started taking them the second day my headache didn’t subside as a few friends said this is how their experience started too. I took 3mg of Ivermectin 2 times a day for 4 days and 200mg of Hydroxychloroquine 2 times a day for 10 days.

A few great resources to dive deeper into this protocol is and

Again, this was my experience and how I supported my body through this bug. My energy, headache, lung capacity and cough are all gone/back to normal two weeks later. I have continued to keep up with my extra supplements and will for about the next month or so. The only lingering symptom is getting my smell and taste back and actually there has been many people who have used oils to reactive their olfactory neurons to fire again.

With this “awakening” of your sense of smell you want to use a floral, citrus, minty, and aromatic oil to retrain your sniffer. Here is a kit of dōTERRA oils that includes a 5ml bottle of Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and a 15ml bottle of Clove to walk through this retraining.

You will want to smell each oil 2-3 times a day for 20 seconds each. Then do small inhales for an additional 20 seconds. I am on day 2 of this and will keep you posted on my progress.

Okay…that is about it. People have asked if it is “bad” and honestly I have had viruses that felt much worse personally, doesn’t mean it didn’t suck but because I was empowered with the right tools and knowledge of HOW to truly take care of my body and support my immune system I knew I would be okay.

This bug isn’t going to miraculously “go away” and at some point we will all be exposed to it, so make sure you have the tools you need and live as much of a preventative proactive lifestyle as you can….but don’t live in fear.

Just live your life.